
Agundaborg is connected to a 368 hectare nature reserve
The 368-hectare Vedåsa nature reserve consists mostly of water environments, deciduous forests and pastures. Helge å, Agunnarydssjön and the northern part of lake Möckeln are included in the reserve. Vedåsa's water areas are of great importance for wildlife. The canoe trail as well as cycling and walking trails are showing you the amazing diverse forest with many different species of trees and a rich birdlife.
Paddle paradise
Did you know...
Did you know you can charge your bike and car at Agundaborg?
Sustainable caring
A Swedish Family Canoe Adventure: Unplugged and United
In the heart of Sweden's wild landscapes, a family of five went on a five-day canoeing escapade.
Adventure chronicles
What is allemansrätt?
In Sweden we have a law known as Allemansrätten, Every Mans Right. This means that all of us have access to the land and the water of Sweden for camping, hiking and all other recreational activities.
Freedom to roam
How to plan my Paddle adventure trip?
Planning your memorable paddle adventure begins here. We have created a step-by step guide to craft your perfect paddle trip!
Navigating nature
Adventure Support Services!
Start your paddle adventure without the stress of transportation logistics. Our convenient canoe pick-up and drop-off service ensure a seamless experience from start to finish.
Effortless exploration
Hot tub Haven!
Book a hot tub experience in nature for ultimate relaxation after a day out in nature.
Blue therapy
Paddle Ready?
Canoe Trip Essentials: What to pack for your Adventure?
Ultimate paddle packlist
The Castle of Lady Agunda: Agundaborg
Agundaborg is connected to the Helge Å water system, a communication route that starts in Åhus.
Castle of legends
Paddle Safely, Canoeing Adventures with Kids
On a paddle adventure with your little ones, enjoying the waters, create memories for life and paddle safe
Safety first

Experience nature 
on the water!

At Agundaborg camp & paddle we rent out Canoes, Kayaks and Stand Up Paddle Boards. You can paddle for a few hours, a day or plan a longer multi-day adventure.

Book now